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Mothers Day Trivia

Celebrate the incredible women who have nurtured, guided, and loved us unconditionally with our Mother's Day Trivia Quiz. On this special occasion, we honor the extraordinary mothers, grandmothers, and maternal figures who have shaped our lives. This quiz is a heartfelt tribute to all the moms out there, as we explore the traditions, history, and heartwarming moments associated with Mother's Day. From memorable gifts to cherished customs from around the world, this quiz will test your knowledge and appreciation for this special day dedicated to celebrating motherhood. So, gather your family, share some smiles and tears, and let's embark on a journey to honor and recognize the remarkable influence of mothers everywhere. Happy Mother's Day!

1 / 15

What is the traditional gift given on Mother's Day in Thailand?

2 / 15

What is the traditional gift for a first-time mother on Mother's Day?

3 / 15

In what country is Mother's Day also known as "Mums Day"?

4 / 15

What is the most popular gift for Mother's Day?

5 / 15

What is the flower most commonly associated with Mother's Day?

6 / 15

When is Mother's Day celebrated in the United States?

7 / 15

Who wrote the famous quote: "God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers"?

8 / 15

In which country is Mother's Day celebrated on the first day of spring?

9 / 15

In what year was the first Mother's Day observed in the United States?

10 / 15

In which country is Mother's Day celebrated on December 22nd, which is the date of the current queen mother's birthday?

11 / 15

In which country is Mother's Day celebrated on the second Sunday in May?

12 / 15

Which U.S. President made Mother's Day an official national holiday in 1914?

13 / 15

Who is considered the founder of Mother's Day in the United States?

14 / 15

What is the name of the famous musical that celebrates the relationship between a single mother and her daughter on the eve of the daughter's wedding day?

15 / 15

When was the first official Mother's Day celebrated in the United States?

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The average score is 55%

Moms, the unsung superheroes we celebrate!

Welcome to our Mother’s Day Trivia Quiz, where we pay homage to the incredible women who have donned the cape of motherhood and saved the day in countless ways. This quiz is a heartwarming celebration of the extraordinary bond between mothers and their loved ones. From the origins of Mother’s Day to heartwarming traditions and memorable moments, we’ll dive into the world of maternal appreciation. Get ready to test your knowledge on the sweetest holiday of the year, as we explore the joys, quirks, and sentimentalities that make Mother’s Day truly special. So, grab a tissue, call your mom, and prepare to embark on a trivia adventure that will warm your heart and remind you of the superpowers of motherhood!

Mothers Day Trivia Questions

Here are some sample trivia questions from this quiz. If you want to see all of our Mothers Day trivia questions and answers, you’ll need to complete the quiz.

  • When is Mother’s Day celebrated in the United States?
  • Who is considered the founder of Mother’s Day in the United States?
  • In what year was the first Mother’s Day observed in the United States?
  • Which flower is traditionally associated with Mother’s Day?
  • What color carnation is typically given to honor a living mother on Mother’s Day?
  • In which country is Mother’s Day celebrated on the first day of spring?
  • Which U.S. President made Mother’s Day an official holiday?
  • What is the most popular gift for Mother’s Day?
  • What is the traditional gift for a first-time mother on Mother’s Day?
  • In what country is Mother’s Day also known as “Mums Day”?
  • In which country is Mother’s Day celebrated on the second Sunday in May?
  • What is the flower most commonly associated with Mother’s Day?
  • When was the first official Mother’s Day celebrated in the United States?
  • What is the traditional gift given on Mother’s Day in Thailand?
  • Which ancient civilization is believed to have celebrated a festival honoring the mother goddess Cybele?
  • Who wrote the famous quote: “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers”?
  • In Mexico, Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 10th every year. What is this day called in Spanish?
  • What is the name of the famous musical that celebrates the relationship between a single mother and her daughter on the eve of the daughter’s wedding day?
  • Which U.S. President made Mother’s Day an official national holiday in 1914?
  • In which country is Mother’s Day celebrated on December 22nd, which is the date of the current queen mother’s birthday?