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Easter Trivia

Easter is a time for celebration and family gatherings. It's also a time for religious observances and, of course, Easter egg hunts. But how much do you really know about the origins and traditions of this holiday? Take our Easter trivia quiz to find out!

1 / 15

Easter eggs were originally dyed in what color?

2 / 15

The famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci that depicts Jesus and his disciples at a dinner table is known as...

3 / 15

Who assumed responsibility for having Jesus buried in a tomb after being crucified?

4 / 15

Who took on the controversial task of computing the date of Easter?

5 / 15

The period of time between Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection is known as...

6 / 15

How many days did Jesus got resurrected after getting crucified?

7 / 15

Easter Island is a Polynesia island. What country is it part of?

8 / 15

In Christianity, the short final period in Jesus' life is referred to as...

9 / 15

The Easter traditional game in which children are tasked with finding Easter Eggs is called...

10 / 15

The Christian service held between 12 noon and 3 PM is referred to as...

11 / 15

The council of Christian bishops convened in the Bithynian city of Nicaea by the Roman Emperor Constantine is known as...

12 / 15

What was the site where Jesus got crucified?

13 / 15

Easter and its associated holidays are known to be moveable dates. On which system are these dates based?

14 / 15

Maundy Thursday is also known as...

15 / 15

In Christianity, the three-day period that begins with the liturgy on the evening of Maundy Thursday is referred to as...

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