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Food Trivia

Consider yourself a master of the culinary arts? Our food trivia quiz will put you through the paces to see if you're all you're cracked up to be! That was a poor attempt at an egg joke, but don't be discouraged by that sad attempt at humor, our food trivia questions will challenge your understanding of various foods, culinary history, and much more. Take your shot and see how you score!

1 / 15

Which of the following museums is dedicated to strawberries?

2 / 15

What restaurant in the Philippines exclusively serve dishes made of SPAM?

3 / 15

How much water is there in a typical cucumber?

4 / 15

The original 3 Musketeers chocolate bar was made up of three pieces. What were these pieces made of?

5 / 15

Broccoli is originally an Italian word that means...

6 / 15

Which chocolate bar is dubbed as being "packed with peanuts"?

7 / 15

Which of the following fruits is considered an alternative to meat?

8 / 15

What family of plants does quinoa belong to?

9 / 15

What does SPAM stand for?

10 / 15

What does M&M stand for?

11 / 15

How many peanuts does it take to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter?

12 / 15

Peanuts are technically not considered nuts but are a kind of...

13 / 15

Allium sativum is more commonly known as...

14 / 15

Which of the following states do not have a city named peanut?

15 / 15

Cranberries are said to be fresh if they...

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