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Christmas Trivia Quiz

Christmas is a time for family, friends, and fun. It's also a time for giving and getting presents, enjoying Christmas cookies, and watching Christmas movies. But what do you really know about Christmas?

Trivia nights are always a big hit with your friends and family, so why not break out the trivia for the holidays this year to try something a little bit different. Test out your knowledge on all things Christmas by taking our fun quiz! Our Christmas trivia questions are great for parties or just hanging out at home and relaxing during these cold winter months. We have both easy questions about popular Christmas movies that just about anyone can answer correctly as well as some difficult ones requiring more in-depth knowledge of Christmas history and folk tales from around the world.

So, what are you waiting for? Put your knowledge to the test and see how you and your friends score on our 15-question Christmas trivia quiz below. We have a database of questions, so you'll get a different set of Christmas trivia questions each time you take it - so you can keep going until you get a perfect score!

1 / 15

The "two turtle doves" from the song "Twelve days of Christmas" is a representation of...

2 / 15

Who declared December 25 to be the official Christmas date?

3 / 15

How big is largest candy cane in the world?

4 / 15

Who is the father of a well known reindeer with a red nose?

5 / 15

In the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, how many gifts did "my true love" send?

6 / 15

The "partridge in a pear tree" from the song "Twelve days of Christmas" is a representation of...

7 / 15

What Guinness world record does the Oasis Church hold?

8 / 15

Who holds the record for the fastest time to dress as Santa?

9 / 15

What famous softdrink company modernized Santa Claus?

10 / 15

What popular Christmas movie was the director Frank Capra best known for?

11 / 15

What book did Dr. Seuss write that got adapted into a movie in the year 2000?

12 / 15

Who made the largest postcard in the world?

13 / 15

When was the first documented case of a candy cane being made?

14 / 15

What is the nickname of Spain's largest lottery?

15 / 15

Which famous actor starred as the main character "Grinch" from the movie of the same name?

Your score is

The average score is 48%

Get Into the Holiday Spirit With Some Christmas Trivia!

Gather ’round the fire and try these challenging Christmas trivia questions. If you want to get a head start before trying our Christmas trivia game, you might want to take a look at the questions. Click on the copy below and you’ll get a list of sample questions from our database. To see full Christmas trivia questions with answers, you’ll have to first complete the quiz above.

Christmas Trivia Questions
  • Jingle bells has become a popular Christmas song over the years but what holiday was it originally associated with?
  • What historic person is Santa Claus based upon?
  • Who starred in the Christmas movie “Jingle All the Way”?
  • In the famous Christmas song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” what amount of drummers are drumming?
  • This famous milk based drink is popular around Christmas
  • In what part of the globe did people start celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree?
  • What small island says “Mele Kalikimaka” as a greeting for Christmas?
  • Which famous actor starred as the main character “Grinch” from the movie of the same name?
  • What book did Dr. Seuss write that got adapted into a movie in the year 2000?
  • What Christmas song did Bing Crosby sing that became a best-seller?
  • Who voiced the main character Jack in the movie “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas”?
  • Which fictitious character was Dr. Finkelstein from the movie “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas” based on?
  • How many unique stop motion frames did it take to complete the movie “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas”?
  • In what part of Jerusalem was Jesus born?
  • Which of the following is not an alias of Santa Claus?
  • What famous soft drink company modernized Santa Claus?
  • When was Santa Claus born?
  • Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of the following except…
  • Santa likes munching on all of the following except…
  • What is the color of the nose of Rudolph the reindeer?
  • Who wrote the song Silent Night?
  • What fictitious Disney character is Scrooge McDuck based on?
  • Who composed the song “Frosty the Snowman”?
  • When did Frosty the Snowman first appear?
  • When was the first-ever recorded Christmas Card sent?
  • How did the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe during Christmas come about?
  • In what movie did Macaulay Culkin appear in that would go on to become the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time?
  • What unique recipe did George Washington have for Christmas?
  • Who was responsible for bringing about the first-ever Christmas lights?
  • Who holds the record for “most lights on a residential property” with 601,736 lights strung?
  • What is the first ever Christmas hymn?
  • In the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, how many gifts did “my true love” send?
  • How should one stir mincemeat to avoid bad luck?
  • Which former president made an appearance in the movie Home Alone 2?
  • Who composed the song “Blue Christmas” that was performed and popularized by Elvis Presley?
  • What book was the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” based on?
  • Who was responsible for creating the script for the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”?
  • What are the names of the characters from the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” that coincidentally also became the name of characters from Sesame Street?
  • What popular Christmas movie was the director Frank Capra best known for?
  • What country did fruitcake originate from?
  • How long can a fruitcake be considered “edible”?
  • Where did the yule log originate?
  • In what year did the North American Aerospace Defense Command start tracking Saint Nicholas (AKA Santa Claus)?
  • How much does a typical American spend on Christmas?
  • What is the percentage of US citizens that buy artificial Christmas trees?
  • What is the percentage of Americans that celebrate Christmas?
  • What is the name of the family whose dogs eat the Christmas turkey in the movie “A Christmas Story”?
  • What does the “X” in Xmas stand for?
  • In what century was “Xmas” invented?
  • How many of Santa’s reindeer’s names begin with the letter D?
  • How much power does a typical American home consume during Christmas?
  • Who composed the song “Jingle Bells”?
  • In what year was the song “Jingle Bells” published?
  • When was Saint Nicholas born?
  • Where was Saint Nicholas born?
  • When did Saint Nicholas die?
  • Who composed the popular song “White Christmas”?
  • In what year was the popular song “White Christmas” first published?
  • How much did the movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” earn worldwide?
  • Who is the father of a well-known reindeer with a red nose?
  • Who is the protagonist in “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” story?
  • How did the father of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer keep their secret?
  • What is the name of the abominable snowman in the “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” story?
  • What famous Christmas character did Billie Mae Richards voice?
  • What is the title for the reboot of the original “Home Alone” movie?
  • What song holds the record for the most streamed within 24 hours?
  • What Guinness world record does the “Apple A Day Properties” from India hold?
  • Who holds the record for the fastest time to dress as Santa?
  • What company holds the record for the most number of Christmas lights indoor?
  • What Guinness world record does the Oasis Church hold?
  • Who declared December 25 to be the official Christmas date?
  • The “partridge in a pear tree” from the song “Twelve days of Christmas” is a representation of…
  • The “two turtle doves” from the song “Twelve days of Christmas” is a representation of…
  • Where is the world’s tallest Christmas tree found?
  • How tall is the tallest Christmas tree found in the Northgate Shopping Center?
  • What is the nickname of Spain’s largest lottery?
  • Who invented the smallest greeting card?
  • How small is the smallest Christmas greeting card made by the NPL (National Physical Laboratory in Teddington)?
  • Who made the largest postcard in the world?
  • How big is the largest ever postcard made by ECCO Shoes HK?
  • Who holds the record for the fastest time to assemble a yule log?
  • How fast was James Martin, the world record holder, able to assemble a yule log?
  • Who holds the record for the fastest marathon dressed as Santa Claus?
  • Where is the world’s largest Santa Claus statue located?
  • When was the first movie about Santa Claus filmed?
  • Who directed the first movie about Santa Claus?
  • At what speed must Santa’s sleigh travel in order to hand out gifts to all the children in the world?
  • Who is considered to be the inventor of the advent calendar?
  • What percentage of US citizens celebrate Christmas?
  • In what year was the first advent calendar published?
  • What is the other name for “Twelve Days of Christmas”?
  • When was the first documented case of a candy cane being made?
  • How many candy canes are made per year?
  • Who made the largest candy cane in history?
  • Who are the three wise men?
  • What did the three wise men bring with them?
  • How big is the largest candy cane in the world?
  • What language says “Feliz Navidad” during Christmas?
  • Who was responsible for creating the character Rudolph, the most famous reindeer in the world?
  • Who is credited for being the first to come up with the notion of dressing up as Santa Claus during Xmas?