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Star Wars Trivia

The Star Wars movies are some of the most iconic films ever made. They have spawned a multi-billion dollar industry, and even George Lucas himself has said that the story of Anakin Skywalker is his own personal interpretation of what it means to be human. But before you can fully enjoy these films, there's something you need to know about them: they're full of trivia questions!

That's right, if you want to prove your knowledge of all things Star Wars, then this site is for you. How much do you know about the Force? You can find out now by answering our Star Wars trivia questions in our quiz below.

1 / 15

Which of these was an elected title on Naboo?

2 / 15

Who kills Obi-Wan Kenobi?

3 / 15

Mace Windu's lightsaber is:

4 / 15

Emperor Palpatine was originally what?

5 / 15

Everyone knows that parsecs are a measure of distance, not time, but what run did Han Solo do in less than 12 of them anyway?

6 / 15

What was Finn's number as a Stormtrooper?

7 / 15

Anakin's mother's name was:

8 / 15

Who is the youngest?

9 / 15

Which of the first six Star Wars movies did NOT feature Yoda?

10 / 15

What is Lando's surname?

11 / 15

What spaceport hosts the cantina where Han kills Greedo?

12 / 15

Where did Luke want to go to pick up some power converters?

13 / 15

How many siblings does Ben Solo have?

14 / 15

Who was supposed to be the chosen one, but failed?

15 / 15

Where are the Wookiees from?

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The average score is 71%

Can You Master Our Star Wars Trivia Game?

To see complete Star Wars trivia questions with answers you’ll need to complete the quiz above. However, if you want to see some sample questions in advance, you can expand the content below to see what you’re getting yourself into.

Star Wars Trivia Questions
  • Emperor Palpatine was originally what?
  • What is Lando’s surname?
  • Where are the Wookiees from?
  • How many siblings does Ben Solo have?
  • Which of the first six Star Wars movies did NOT feature Yoda?
  • Everyone knows that parsecs are a measure of distance, not time, but what run did Han Solo do in less than 12 of them anyway?
  • Which of these was an elected title on Naboo?
  • Jar Jar Binks is what?
  • Where did Luke want to go to pick up some power converters?
  • What was Leia captured trying to get from the empire?
  • How did Han take ownership of the Millenium Falcon from Lando?
  • Who was Anakin Skywalker’s father?
  • Which prequel movie had the stunningly composed ‘Duel of the Fates’?
  • Anakin’s mother’s name was:
  • Mace Windu’s lightsaber is:
  • What was the name of the ice planet where Han saved Luke’s life?
  • In the original script for the very first Star Wars movie, what was Darth Vader’s real first name?
  • What spaceport hosts the cantina where Han kills Greedo?
  • Who kills Obi-Wan Kenobi?
  • What, according to Yoda, leads to hate?
  • What was Finn’s number as a Stormtrooper?
  • Boba Fett was the cloned son of which bounty hunter?
  • Why are Kylo Ren and Rey connected?
  • Who was supposed to be the chosen one, but failed?
  • Who is the youngest?