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Saints Trivia

Religious saints have been a prominent part of many faiths for centuries. These individuals are revered for their virtuous lives and are often believed to have performed miracles. From St. Francis of Assisi, who is known for his love of animals, to St. Teresa of Avila, who had a profound influence on Christian mysticism, these saints have had a significant impact on the beliefs and practices of millions of people around the world. How much do you know about the lives and legacies of these religious icons? Put your knowledge to the test with our 10-question religious saints trivia quiz. See if you can answer questions about the most famous saints and learn some interesting facts along the way.

1 / 10

Who is the patron saint of children?

2 / 10

Who is the patron saint of wine?

3 / 10

Who is the patron saint of music?

4 / 10

Who is the patron saint of lost items?

5 / 10

Who is the patron saint of nurses?

6 / 10

Who is the patron saint of teachers?

7 / 10

Who is the patron saint of travelers?

8 / 10

Who is the patron saint of athletes?

9 / 10

Who is the patron saint of soldiers?

10 / 10

Who is the patron saint of the internet?

Your score is

The average score is 62%

Test your knowledge of religious saints with this challenging trivia quiz!

Do you know your religious saints? From St. Francis of Assisi to St. Teresa of Avila, there are countless saints that have made a significant impact on the world’s religions. Test your knowledge of these holy figures with our trivia quiz!

Our quiz covers a range of topics, including the lives of famous saints, their miracles and feast days, and their influence on the religious traditions. You’ll be asked to identify saints from their patronage, match saints with their symbols, and answer questions about their lives and legends.

With multiple levels of difficulty and a wide range of questions, our religious saint trivia quiz is perfect for anyone looking to test their knowledge of religious history. Whether you’re a student of theology or simply interested in learning more about these fascinating figures, our quiz is sure to challenge and entertain you. So why wait? Take the quiz now and see how much you really know about the world’s religious saints!

Saints Trivia Questions

Here are some sample trivia questions from this quiz. If you want to see all of our Saints trivia questions and answers, you’ll need to complete the quiz.

  • Who is the patron saint of travelers?
  • Who is the patron saint of lost items?
  • Who is the patron saint of music?
  • Who is the patron saint of children?
  • Who is the patron saint of nurses?
  • Who is the patron saint of athletes?
  • Who is the patron saint of firefighters?
  • Who is the patron saint of the environment?
  • Who is the patron saint of the internet?
  • Who is the patron saint of soldiers?
  • Who is the patron saint of teachers?
  • Who is the patron saint of wine?