movie trivia
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Movie Trivia

Movie trivia is a fun way to test your knowledge of movies, actors, actresses, and directors. This site has movie trivia questions covering all kinds of movies - romantic comedies, dramas, and even your favorite horror flicks! Whether you love Disney or movies from the 80s and 90s, we've got a movie trivia quiz that you'll have all kinds of fun with. Each of our quizzes has multiple choice answers so if you don't know you can always guess!

Do you REALLY love movies? Want to test your knowledge of movie trivia? Then take our online movie trivia quiz and challenge your knowledge of all things movie-related. So what are you waiting for? Take the quiz now!

1 / 15

Who produced 'Romancing the Stone'?

2 / 15

Who was not a cast member in 'Schindler's List'?

3 / 15

What is the name of Prince Eric's valet in Little Mermaid?

4 / 15

What is "Em" short for?

5 / 15

Which theorem does the Scarecrow get wrong after receiving his diploma?

6 / 15

Which character is FIRST to be seen on screen during the Little Mermaid?

7 / 15

What does Elsa call her new "kingdom" in 'Let it Go'?

8 / 15

Who is the youngest?

9 / 15

Which prequel movie had the stunningly composed 'Duel of the Fates'?

10 / 15

Who directed 'Se7en'?

11 / 15

Which 1980 movie declared "Don't Call Me Shirley!"

12 / 15

Which of these animals is NOT mentioned in 'Prince Ali'?

13 / 15

What is Sebastian's first name?

14 / 15

How many films in the 'Halloween' franchise were released between 1980 and 1989 inclusive?

15 / 15

What kingdom does Elsa rule over?

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